
Gym class heroes? The unlikely magic of Maggie Marilyn’s ‘Best of It’ collection

Prints that look as promising for a wedding as they do for a (low-intensity) workout

This week’s drop of The Best of It by Maggie Marilyn continues to balance all things feminine with subtle sporting sensibilities.

It’s a thread that was first dangled at this year’s Afterpay Australian Fashion Week by way of yachting jackets, sailor sweaters, and peppermint coloured stripes that looked lifted straight off a rowing league’s uniform. Speaking of stripes – October also saw the launch of Maggie Marilyn’s collaboration with FELLA, bringing into being the designer’s first ever swim capsule. 

Arguably saving the best for second-to-last (this is The Best of It’s penultimate drop), a walk through this week’s newly-released styles might begin at a garden bar in the Challenge Accepted Dress, pause briefly on the pétanque field in the For the Frill of it Shirt, before working off the Pimm’s buzz on the tennis court in the Marilyn Baby Tee.

Keeping things outdoorsy, English garden roses inspired by Maggie’s mother, George, serve as a sentimental core print hand-painted by Maggie Marilyn’s print designer, Rani, who referenced a photo of George’s garden itself.

“I think my mother and her flowers must speak their own secret language, because every garden she touches or soil bed she sows into, it blooms,” says designer Maggie Hewitt. 

A closer look at the finished product reveals more than a beautifully classic floral. In line with our prediction that quiet luxury is on its way out, a smattering of Maggie Marilyn logos buzz around each bloom. Subtle, but still a firm nod to its maker.

This years’ Maggie Marilyn releases have given us hope for two things. One, that styling flouncy dresses with functional sports shoes – namely NewBalance sneakers and Crocs – is doable, and not just the reserve of Copenhagen’s cool girls.

Second, and most importantly, that as each new drop introduces a piece or two that evokes tennis or running or rowing, it means we’re one step closer to a Maggie Marilyn activewear range.

(Please Maggie.)

A gorgeous floral dress worn outside