
Treatments for time-poor beauty lovers

Global Beauty Group

Microdermabrasion and hydrodermabrasion are fantastic treatments for skin rejuvenation

These days, between work meetings, school drop-offs, and picking up the dry cleaning, it is getting harder and harder to find time for a little ‘me time’. We live in a fast-paced world getting faster every day, and oftentimes, it is our beauty routines that draw the short straw and get put on the back burner.

Who doesn’t catch themselves having fantasies of taking off for a weekend of luxurious pampering in some far-off, exotic place? For most of us, the reality is we are lucky if we have time to brush our teeth and run a comb through our hair in the mornings before we make it out the door.

For those of us who are hard-pressed for time (read: all of us) but still want to look and feel our best, thankfully, there are plenty of express 30-minute beauty treatments on offer, designed for those who lack time and could use a quick beauty pick-me-up.

Just because we are time-poor doesn’t mean we have to neglect our skin. All of the following treatments are suitable for most skin types, can address multiple skin concerns, and will leave you with skin so good you will be left wondering why you don’t do this every lunch break. The best part? You will walk out with time to still grab a coffee and your favourite lunchtime snack on your way back to work.


Microdermabrasion and hydrodermabrasion are fantastic treatments for skin rejuvenation, as they exfoliate and resurface the skin. Microdermabrasion machines do this by buffing away the top layer of skin, removing unwanted build-up of surface grime at the same time.

Depending on your current skincare routine and level of exfoliation, over time, a combination of leftover product, makeup residue, dirt, sweat, bacteria, excess oil, and dead skin cells all accumulate on the outer-most layer of the skin, leading to clogged pores. Pores that are clogged can subsequently result in anything from excess oil production to bumpy or rough skin, enlarged-looking pores, blackheads, whiteheads, inflammation, and in even some cases, acne. Treatments with a hydrodermabrasion machine go one step further, delivering both exfoliation and intensive hydration therapy to help plump and brighten dull and tired-looking skin.

Results are immediately noticeable post-treatment with a client’s complexion appearing brighter, fresher, and smoother with blackheads eliminated, pore size reduced, and skin texture and tone improved significantly. Suitable for almost all skin types, microdermabrasion and hydrodermabrsion can treat multiple concerns and at the same time improve the skin’s cellular turnover, promoting collagen production and increasing circulation – think glowing skin.

Global Beauty Group

LED Light therapy

LED facials are the definition of in-and-out treatments. When it comes to fast and easy, it doesn’t get better than an LED facial. It is as simple as just laying back and letting the lights work their magic. Relax and let the warm lights from the LED machine penetrate your skin cells to soothe, restore, and rejuvenate your complexion. It sounds simple, but light therapy has proven itself to be extremely effective and doesn’t fall short when it comes to results.

Blue light is clinically proven to help reduce the oil-causing bacteria within the skin, helping to calm active breakouts as well as helping to prevent future ones. Red light is an anti-ageing tool and can help fight the more obvious signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles as well as dull, lacklustre skin, moisture loss, and loss of elasticity and volume. By stimulating the body’s production of collagen and elastin, the skin is given a much-needed boost, resulting in younger, plumper-looking skin.

Is pigmentation bothering you? Again, treatments with an LED light therapy machine can come to the rescue – green light helps to fade discolouration and sun damage while yellow can assist with the overall skin tone.

Global Beauty Group

Carbon facial

Carbon facials – or ‘China doll treatments’ or the ‘Hollywood Peel’ as they are sometimes known – work by instantly beautifying, smoothing, and brightening the skin. A great alternative to chemical peels that will have you hiding away for upwards of a week, thanks to the post-treatment peeling, a carbon facial has no downtime while still delivering power-packed results.

During the treatment, a medical-grade carbon crème is applied to the face before being blasted off with a laser, cleaning and rejuvenating the skin at the same time. As well as improving overall skin tone for an instant glow, the facials also smooth out fine lines, purify congested areas, and enlarged pores and treat acne.

Results are both instant and cumulative. Carbon facials deliver a whole range of anti-ageing benefits that keep working beneath the skin post-treatment. Be prepared to return to work with visibly smoother, more radiant “doll-like” skin. You have been warned though – these facials are highly addictive.

Interested in any of these 30-minute express treatments? To learn more contact beauty wholesaler and salon suppliers, The Global Beauty Group on 1300 006 607 to find a treatment specialist in your area.

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